Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This week at the McGuire's

So for the first time in 6 years all kids are seemingly heathy but the parents are sick... REALLY?!?!!? Soon this will be over though... I would rather be sick anytime than have the kids sick.

So Natalie had her 6 year check yesterday and she is 56 pounds and 51 inches. This puts her taller than 95% of her friends... although I could have told you that but it is now doctor confirmed. As you can see I have added pictures of all three kids to the side. Sign up to get email notifications of new postings!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happenings this week... POOP!

So this week was spirt week at the kids daycare. There was a crazy sock and hair day... Instead of socks I bought Riley some "firemen" boots. They are rain boots and it seems that we are in a puddle of mud here.

So on crazy sock day Riley woke up and put on his boots. He started acting like he had to go poop so I mentioned to him he better go on the potty so he did not ruin his boots. His response was "NO"... I then explained that Firemen poop on the potty... his response "NO". I said oh yes they do... Him "NO WAY" So, I asked... "then where do Firemen poop"... In all seriousness the kid looks at me and says "the ground"

Luckily we have a friend who is a firefighter and told him that this was just not ture.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We're back!!

And with a new baby!! Finn Patrick McGuire graced us with his presense on 9-8-10.... more including pictures within the next week!!!