Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Few things

So are you my friend on Facebook? if not, you should be... I have been uploading picutres there a lot lately. New iPhone allows me to do it so easy!

So Nana and Grandpa just got back from South Africa on Friday. We talked to them on the computer on Sunday night. Grandpa got the kids some little animal figures.. a penguin and a lion. He asked Natalie which one she wanted... she wanted the penguin..I then had to ask, not knowinly, if there were penguins in South Africa... Nana started talking about seeing lots of Penguins as well as a pride of Lions, Rinos, Elephants and Lepords. Nana got done with her story and Natalie says... Did you go to the dolphin show too!?!? Yep, Nat thought they went to the zoo.

H1N1 is going around Natalie's school. All the 4's classes except for hers has it. They have more than 50% of the 4's gone. Not good! She and Riley have both had their flu shots just not the H1N1. We will see!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. Panali

So my mom was here earlier this week. She and Natlie were "working" while she was here. Their boss per Natlie was Mr. Panali. He was a tall bald man with funny glasses. While they were working on their laptops in the cubes Natalie comes over to my mom and says... Did you see the viedo that Mr. Panali sent??? My mom.. No... Natalie... you have got to come and see this. Looking at a blank screen Natalie just laughs and says... isn't that just the funniest thing ever! Then Crystal, my mom, got in trouble for not having her reports to Mr. Panali. Natalie got of the "phone" with him and said well Crystal... you have not gotten your receipts to Mr. Panali so you will need to submit those right away... Later that day my mom was downstairs washing bottles and Natalie comes up to her and says.. Mr. Panali just called and asked about your report again... "Crystal" said that actually Mr. Panali wanted her to wash out the bottles... Natalie said well than you and Mr. Panali need to talk because he is calling me...

Where does this little girl get this? and Who in the world is Mr. Panali???

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pictures coming

I am such a slacker... I have not updated here or on facebook in a while. It is my goal to get better about this. I hope there are still some of you that are looking to see what is new.

Riley is now 7 months. He is a big boy and a great eater and sleeper. I still take him to work with me everyday and it has been really nice. He is however, getting to the age that he needs more. I am looking into sending him to daycare 2 days a week.

Natalie is great. She is the best big sister. She spent 3 weeks in Texas with Nana and Grandpa Mike. She had a great time.

I will have lots of pictures sometime this week and will try and update again this week with somethign new and exciting! anything you are dying to know abtou the McGuire's?

Friday, May 08, 2009

Home sweet Home

Natalie is home and doing well. She is back at school and loving it. She gave us all a big scare. My mom and Dad were here visiting, thank goodness! I could not have stayed sane with out the help of them and my in laws! They were all able to help take care of the little guy so that Joe and I could spend as much time as needed with Natalie in the hospital.

Here is a link to what she had should you want to read about it.... http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/764421-overview

Here are some pictures of the little man...

He loves licking on Gradpa Mike's arm...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


On Saturday when Natalie woke up she said that her neck hurt. Joe and I thought she had just slept weird and so off to gymnastics she went. Later that day we went to an Earth Day Festival downtown and Nat started to complain about her legs hurting... I carried her to the car and she took a nap when we got home. When she woke up she was saying her neck hurt worse as did her throat hurt she also had a fever of 101.5.. I was sure she had strep throat so I took her to a Med Check. Nope her rapid test came back normal so I just thought she had some drainage and slept wrong. With a little Motrin she was doing great.

At 2am she was saying crying in her sleep about her neck and running a 102.7 fever. I called the childrens nurses line becuase I have always heard that meningitis starts with a stiff neck. The nurses line said to take her in. In the ER they did a chest x-ray as well as a CAT scan with contrast on her neck. It came back that she had a pretty bad infection in her neck between her esophagus and her spine called retropharyngeal cellulitis. They admitted her to the hospital and she was not released until Tuesday, yesterday. Today she is saying that her ear/jaw area hurt really bad and her fever is back. Joe is taking her to the doctor in about an hour. I will let you know if she goes back in.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Riley is 3 month and Natlie is 4!!!

Riley is now 3 months old… and getting big! He is 25.25 inches long and 14.5 pounds. He looks just like Joe, see below! Natalie is 4!!! She is 46 inches tall and 43 pounds. She loves her brother so much and tells him everyday. He is smiling more and more. Now for what you all come for… pictures…

Natalie's birthday cake, made by our friend Chrissy's mom. It was the best cake ever!

Natalie after her party

Riley hanging out at work

Riley outside for his first of many bonfires in the court.

View from our deck on vacation in NC, day 1

View from the deck the last day, check out the snow!

View from the front of the cabin

Family picture on vacation at the Nantahala Nature Center

Riley spent most of vacation sleeping….

Natalie hiking

Beautiful waterfall on our hike.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Riley Michael

Riley was born on January 12th 2009 at 4:49 in the afternoon. I had gone in for a normal check and my blood pressure was higher than the doctors wanted. I was set to have my c-section 2 days later. When my BP did not come down the doctor decided to go ahead and take him that day… that and she did not want to listen to me complain anymore! He came out kicking screaming and peeing, weighing 8lbs and 10oz. He was 20.5 inches long. Since then he has done nothing but eat and grow. By his one month check he was 24.5 inches and almost 11 lbs. Here are some pictures, enjoy!

Just before I walked myself into the OR

Not so happy!

A little better

Much better

Big Sister

Just thinking

So Proud

So alert

So big

Natalie and Aniyah, BFF

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A real post and pictures

To come when the new baby is home... next weekedish!

Natalie is doing well. She is sassy as ever. Nana has been here helping us out since the middle of December. The new baby will be here on or BEFORE Wednesday the 14th.

Joe is doing well. I think he is enjoying having my mom here so he has some time to himself to workout and get back in his grove.

My dad will be back at the end of Jan to drive home with my mom and meet his new grandson.

Projections at this time are that the little one is about 9.5 lbs. We shall see.. only a few more days.

Hope you all are having a safe season!