Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Got Baby?

Mark your calendars...March 21st, 2005 6:32 pm. That's when baby Natalie Jane McGuire joined the world. (Pictures to come later, when Sarah gets around to it...she's a bit busy right now.)

Natalie weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long (or tall). Joe reports that she drank an entire bottle of formula in one sitting! (Chug-Chug-Chug)

Mom and Pop are proud but exhausted and looking forward to lots of sleep right now. Heh, little do they know...

For those that would like to give well wishes, you may contact Joe and Sarah on their collective cell phones. If you don't get an answer, please leave a message. You can also contact them at St. Vincent's room 215...but, again...they're looking for a bit of shut eye and I don't want to get blamed for 50 or 60 calls right now.

Ace Reporter, Jeff McClelland, signing off.

Friday, March 18, 2005

McGuire Household Happenings

McGuire Household Happenings
The Big Day
Apparently the big day is going to happen sooner than we thought. Sarah had an Amenio test this morning and the results came this afternoon. The baby's lungs are healthy and with their best guess she weighs about 7.10 lbs...a good size.
So, Sarah is going to be admitted to St. Vincent's on Sunday afternoon at 4:30p.m. where the good nurses and doctors will start the induction process. The plan is to have the baby on Monday morning or early afternoon...but it is really up to Natalie.
I will try to keep everyone and this site updated as much as possible.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Induction Date: April 4th

Looks like if all goes well I will be induced on April 4th. Little Miss can come before just not after. As promised here are some pictures of the nursery.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Only 3 weeks

I went in and saw a Gestational Diabetes specialist today and was put on Insulin because my fasting sugar levels are not coming down over night. Since I am now on insulin I was told that the Dr.s will induce me by April 1 if little miss does not come before then. I now go to the Dr. twice a week once to see the Dr. and the other to have a non-stress test. The test will monitor her movement and heartbeat to make sure she is doing well. I have one more ultrasound next week to see how big she is and to confirm that there are no boy parts.

I had my baby shower last weekend thrown by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. It was great we got a ton of stuff that was needed and then some frills as well. Luckily my mother was working in Cinci the week prior and was able to come over for the shower.

The nursery is all done but I have not taken pictures yet. I will get on that tonight and post some in the next couple of days.

Hope everyone is doing well