Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Funny things Natalie says

Over the last week or so she has said some stuff that amazes us.

- Her and Henry were watching Kung Fu Panda the other night... Henry said.. Mr. Joe can I please have some lemonade... Joe, of course... Natalie would like some too, Mr. Joe. Joe brings them their lemonade as they are watching their movie with popcorn.. Henry says to Natalie.. here is your wine. Natalie; thanks H! About 30 minutes later Natalie sprouts off with "Mom drinks milk and water... Daddy drinks beer... Nana drinks Bourbon Beer... Grandpa Mike drinks wine... Me... what did you say Nana drinks... her... Bourbon beer... I guess she calls them like she sees them!

- This week she has had an off an on bout with some sort of stomach bug which results in diarrhea... she told me today, Mom, we do not all it diarrhea we need to be polite and call it little poopies, it just sounds better, OK?

- Yesterday she was talking to Aniyah (best friend who moved to MN) on the phone. She was telling her that Grandpa Mike was coming to see her next week and then says, Aniyah... did you know that my Grandpa runs? He runs the fastest of all the Grandpas! How cool is that? Aniyah says, pretty cool Nat.

Everyday is something new... I just wish that I had a recorder on her all day to hear what she says to her teachers!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

As promised

Natalie and Daddy at the pumpkin patch

She has taken to reading stories to Shelia and Kyra

Natalie and Henry watching a movie

Natalie and Henry at the fall festival

Natalie sitting on the "marshmellows" aka, hay

Natalie and Henry trying on their costumes

Our little Mermaid

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pictures on Monday... Promise

I am so behind... We have pictures of the new baby... to come on or before my birthday Feb. 5th... We have end of Summer pictures, We have picutres of Haloween. We have little miss sassy pictures. She is getting so big. She says things everyday that amaze us! I will try and post a little story about our little miss everyday next week but for now...

The other day we were driving home from school and she says.. Mom, the trees are very sad... I asked, Why? Her, Because we are driving. I asked what would make them happy, she said if we did not drive but we walked or rode our bike that would make them happier...