Saturday, April 16, 2005

Monday will make little miss 4 weeks

Where to start, where to start....

March 20th I was admitted for the induction at 4:30 and then given the medication to start the process. Slept fine that night with the exception of the nurses coming in every 2 hours to check vitals.

March 21st at 8am they started the Pitocin and the Dr. came in and broke my water. This put me in active labor. I went from about 9am to about 3pm with no medication other than the Pitocin. I was then given the epidural to help with the pain and hopefully make me calm down and progress faster. The doctor was noticing that Natalie's heart rate after the contractions was not recovering the way that she would like and so I was monitored more closely for the next couple of hours. At about 6pm the doctor had not seen enough of an improvement in Natalie's heart rate and she prepped me for a c-section. Miss Natalie was born at 6:32pm. I apparently was not the only one that was hungry.... Natalie was given a bottle about 30 min. after being born and drank the whole 2oz. As a point of reference, she drank an ounce at every other feeding while in the hospital be it formula or breast milk.

On Friday when Natalie's dr. came to see her I asked about her being kinda of yellow the Dr. then reviewed her Billi Rubin numbers and said that it would be best if we got her under the lights to help with her color. She stayed under the lights for about 8 hours and then we were sent home with lights to lay her on that night.

Saturday was our first day at home and it was a chance to get in the grove so we thought... at about 5pm I got very cold and wrapped up in some blankets and laid down. I continued to get colder and added more blankets. After about an hour of this I took my temp and I was at 100.5. Called the Dr. and she said to take some Advil and call her in an hour. An hour later my temp was at 102 when I called her back she said that I needed to go to the ER. Jor and I made a call to his sister to see if she could come over and watch Natalie as we did not want to take her to the ER with all of the sick people. When we got to the hospital about 45min. later my temp was at 103.5. After many doctors looking at me they decided to admit me and pump me full of antibiotics. After many tests and a lot of bags of fluids of some sort I was able to go home on Wednesday. They were never able to figure out what happened or where the infection came from.

Back at home again and everyone was well.

We all have been doing fine ever since.

Natalie has been a great baby. We have had some challenges with her food. She is very gassy and is now on formula solely. Not our choice but it is best for her.

We had our 2 week Dr. visit last Friday and she was 7lbs. 4oz. and 20 1/2 inches. She had gained 13oz in a week. Dr. said that was wonderful.

As for me. I have had no other symptoms of the infection.

Natalie is sleeping about 3 to 4 hours at a time at night. Hoping that this will increase soon. Joe and I could use some sleep.

Here are some picture of the little miss.

This is her under the Bili lights

Her first day at the park

We will post again when we get some new pictures.
