Saturday, February 19, 2005

Dr. Says Gestational Diabetes

I had to go in a couple of weeks ago for a glucose test, what you do is drink a soda of sorts on an empty stomach and then have your blood drawn every hour for three hours after that. If you have more than one of the blood tests that is out of the "normal" range then you have Gestational Diabetes. I was out of range by 5 points on one test and by 3 on the other. I have since taken a class and learned how to treat this with diet. Not diet to make you lose weight but diet to keep my sugars under control. I thought I had a bit of knowledge about nutrition but I was wrong. I was for sure they were going to put me on a South Breach like diet, low glycemic index diet. I think that I am eating more food with the new diet than I was before. Here is a sample of what my day of eating looks like:

3 eggs
2 toast
2tsp. margarine
8 oz. milk

8oz yogurt
3/4 cup Cheerios

1 1/3 cup brown rice
4 oz meat
2 TBSP dressing

1/4 cup shelled Pistachios

8 oz. milk
1 cup mashed potatoes
5 oz. meat
green beans
3/4 cup berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries)
2 TBSP Cool Whip.

1 bread
1 oz meat
8oz milk

Personally I think that is a ton of food but we shall see how this works. Other than that little miss is about 5 lbs. and looks good. Today we are going to go and get the remaining furniture for her room and finish setting all of that up.

Here is a picture of our house for those that have not seen it. I will post picture of the nursery as soon as it is all set up.

Have a great weekend,

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The Start

Well here goes nothing... I had no idea what Blogs were until about 2 weeks ago. Nothing all too exciting is happening here. We have purchased furniture for Natalie's nursery and will have pictures up as soon as I can figure out how to do that. Our friend from Chicago is coming down this weekend to help decorate Natalie's room, we are looking forward to her ideas as we seem to have none of our own.

This Friday brings me to the 32 week mark and another Dr.'s appoitment. At last visit little miss was about 4 lbs. and that was 2 weeks ago. I am guessing she will be up around 5 lbs.

I will fill you all in about the Dr. on Friday,
