Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Funny things Natalie says

Over the last week or so she has said some stuff that amazes us.

- Her and Henry were watching Kung Fu Panda the other night... Henry said.. Mr. Joe can I please have some lemonade... Joe, of course... Natalie would like some too, Mr. Joe. Joe brings them their lemonade as they are watching their movie with popcorn.. Henry says to Natalie.. here is your wine. Natalie; thanks H! About 30 minutes later Natalie sprouts off with "Mom drinks milk and water... Daddy drinks beer... Nana drinks Bourbon Beer... Grandpa Mike drinks wine... Me... what did you say Nana drinks... her... Bourbon beer... I guess she calls them like she sees them!

- This week she has had an off an on bout with some sort of stomach bug which results in diarrhea... she told me today, Mom, we do not all it diarrhea we need to be polite and call it little poopies, it just sounds better, OK?

- Yesterday she was talking to Aniyah (best friend who moved to MN) on the phone. She was telling her that Grandpa Mike was coming to see her next week and then says, Aniyah... did you know that my Grandpa runs? He runs the fastest of all the Grandpas! How cool is that? Aniyah says, pretty cool Nat.

Everyday is something new... I just wish that I had a recorder on her all day to hear what she says to her teachers!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

As promised

Natalie and Daddy at the pumpkin patch

She has taken to reading stories to Shelia and Kyra

Natalie and Henry watching a movie

Natalie and Henry at the fall festival

Natalie sitting on the "marshmellows" aka, hay

Natalie and Henry trying on their costumes

Our little Mermaid

Friday, November 07, 2008

Pictures on Monday... Promise

I am so behind... We have pictures of the new baby... to come on or before my birthday Feb. 5th... We have end of Summer pictures, We have picutres of Haloween. We have little miss sassy pictures. She is getting so big. She says things everyday that amaze us! I will try and post a little story about our little miss everyday next week but for now...

The other day we were driving home from school and she says.. Mom, the trees are very sad... I asked, Why? Her, Because we are driving. I asked what would make them happy, she said if we did not drive but we walked or rode our bike that would make them happier...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Michigan in July

Sparklers at home

Sneeking chips after a bath

Hanging with Baby Jack

Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer is here!

Natalie is having a great time in the pool, both the one in the front yard as well as the one in the neighborhood. Yesterday she went "swimming" in the big pool. She blew bubbles and had a great time kicking.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

As promised

More pictures

Natalie learned how to ride her bike

Natalie's guy friends, Christopher and Henry

Natalie in her new dress that Nana brought her today

Her new friend, Henry's new brother, baby Jack

Natalie's sad face, she fell off her bike

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fair enough

You want pictures… here are the ones we have taken that have actually come out.

The problem is that little miss dropped our camera and it does not work so well these days. Since I am on this kick to buy nothing new for a year I have worked a deal with a friend (did this over the weekend) to borrow one of his many until I can find a good referbished one. So you should see a lot more pictures in the next few weeks.

Natalie and Henry

Decorating cupcakes

Mother Hen reading to Emma and Henry

Natalie got roses at school fron Grandpa Mike to give to all of her friends

Birthday cake

Birthday girl

Best friends forever!

We wonder why she is a princess

Blowing out her candles

Reading a story to her friends

Holding baby Megan

Crying to herself in the mirror

Friday, May 16, 2008

What do you want to know?

Since I just consistantly blab about things that I am not sure if anyone cares to know or even reads, I would like to know what questions you would like answered. Please leave a question in the comment section or email Joe or myself and we will get them answered.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well little miss Natalie as really started to say some interesting things. Her new favorite lines are:

Mommy, can you do me a favor?

I just need one more minute

Well, I think….

Do you mind if….

And the ever so popular question… WHY!?!

She is talking a lot with her hands and with the flip of a wrist. She will talk about things that she did at school and then will say.. Can you belevie that???

She actaully had a pretty amazing analogy the other day….

We were in the parking lot of her daycare and she points to the other building in the lot and tells me that her Great Gram went there (she has not really mentioned her in a few months)
Me: really when?
Natalie: Yesterday (everything happened yesterday right now)
Me: OH, did you see Great Gram yesterday
Natalie: No, she was old yesterday
Me: Yep, do you remember where Great Gram is now?
Natalie: Yep, she was like the caterpillar on Wonder Pets (cartoon, 3 animals go and help other animals get out of precarious situations)
Me: What?
Natalie: the caterpillar got old and turned into a pupa and then was a butterfly and Great Gram got old and then went to sleep and is now an Angel… right Mommy?
Me: that is right Natalie, Great Gram is in the sky and watches over us, right?
Natalie: Yep, there she goes….
I thought that this was pretty insightful for a 3 year old! I have no idea if they talked about something like this at school or what… she just brought this up out of the blue.
Ok tomorrow there will be pictures. I will remember my camera tomorrow.

Monday, March 17, 2008

It is a SAD, SAD, SAD day!

Natalie's BFF Aniyah is moving... Aniyah will be gone as of August. I have not told her yet but I will keep you posted as soon as we do!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Little miss is in the process of moving to a new class room, she is going to the 3 year old room. In this room I think that she may be getting into a bit of trouble, why you ask? Well, last night she was talking to her "daughters" telling them that they were going to go to "teacher time" (time out) and they had "one more chance to behave" Joe and I promptly asked her what her daughters names were… Apparently they are Shaw-Shelia and Kyra. She was quick to mention that Kyra had a Y in her name… Shaw-Shelia got in way more trouble than Kyra but Kyra was never a good listener. Wonder which on Natalie is.. The one that gets in trouble or the one who does not listen???

Friday, February 08, 2008

So what is new with Natalie you ask,

Well the little princess is about to turn three. She has a new obsession…. Ballet. I was watching a movie called Center Stage and now that is all she wants to watch. She is still "Off to see the Wizard" about 3 times a week but Ballet dancing every night.

Nana was just here and got to see the ballet dancer herself. She is just too cute when she dances. The girl in the movie is Jodi… so Natalie now walks around calling herself Jodi. She must have braids like Jodi and the same color pony tail holders, pink and yellow.

Other happenings…. Her and her best friend, Aniyah, have been together since they were 12 weeks old and for the first time are in different class rooms, not because Mel (Aniyah's mother) and I did not try to keep them together the daycare said that they fed off of each other too much and needed to be separated. This has been a bit weird for her. She does not like going to school and not seeing Aniyah all day long. Aniyah is soon going to be going to a different school all together so this may just be best that they are not together now. We still have Aniyah and her family over about once a week so that the girls can act silly.

Interesting story of how she is not a baby any more but growing up… Everyday we pass by the same horses, one white and one brown. For the longest time Natalie's horse was the brown one and Aniyah's horse was the white one. The other day she and Joe were passing the horses and Natalie told him that hers was now the white one and Aniyah's was the brown. Joe asked her why she had changed her mind and the answer was that the white one matches her feet and her bumb and the brown one matched Aniyah's feet and bumb.

She is using bigger and bigger words and just growing up so fast.

I hope to post some more pictures soon. Hope you all are doing well and staying safe!

Monday, February 04, 2008

3 year old pictures

Natalie and her best friend Aniyah

Just her

Monday, January 28, 2008


I will be updating soon, I have had shoulder surgery and just am very slow at this typing thing. So as soon as i am out of my sling you will get some new pictures... sorry!