Thursday, April 12, 2007

Little Miss Smarty Pants

The wonderful age of 2

Natalie has moved to a new room and while she is loving it she is having trouble listening. In fact, she went to the office 3 times in one day this week. She will not sleep more than an hour at nap time and then will go around waking all of her friends. She has also started kicking us when we try to change her clothes… not good. So this week she was kicking Joe and he told her that if she did not stop that she was going to go to time out. She looked right at him and kicked him again. Needless to say, little miss went to time out. She was there until she would say sorry for kicking Daddy… that stubborn child sat there for 45 minutes crying and saying "not sorry" and then finally said… "I am done crying, sorry Daddy" Got down and played until she was ready for bed.

This may be a long year!

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