Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Doctor visit

Well no pictures for this post but we do have a doctor update.

We took Natalie to a GI doctor last week for her reflux issues. We took her to our local children's hospital and they were wonderful. We saw a fellowship student and then the resident GI. The fellowship student thought wanted to change her medicine from Prilosec to Previcid and put her on an oral suppository. The resident concurred and also wanted to get an upper GI. My mom and Joe took her yesterday for that and there were 2 other doctors that confirmed that there is nothing going on except reflux. They were looking to see if her food was digested in the opposite direction as well as to see if she had a hernia. Since we have switch the medication she is doing a lot better! Her spit-up is minimal and she seems to be a lot happier.

Other than that there is nothing really to report. I will post after Thanksgiving with pictures!

Hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday!

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