Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Will the madness ever stop???

Well, Natalie still has an ear infection. She has had the same infection since the 4th of July weekend. She is now on her third medication and we have now seen the doctor 7 times for the same infection. When I took her to the doctor the other day about her still grabbing her ears I was told that she had some dry skin and that is why she was still fussy. I hope that they are right!!

The doctor also said that Natalie no longer needed a night time feeding and that she should be sleeping all night. We were told that if she started fussing at 2 am not to go and get her. Do you know how hard it is to sleep when all she does is scream?!?!?! Two nights ago was ok, she slept from 10 to 4. Then there was last night. OH MY!! She went down at about 11 and was up at midnight crying, she got her paci and was back to sleep. But every time she would lose that paci she was crying. This went on until about 2 and then Joe got up with her and ended up feeding her. We were both under the impression that feeding her would help, we were wrong. She cried from 2 until about 5 and then she slept for about an hour. I think that she just had a lot of gas from crying so much... just a vicious cycle!

This weekend we are off so that Natalie can meet her Great Grandmother Busch. Grandma Karen will be meeting us down there and then coming up to Indy for a week long visit.

I will post pictures when we get back from the weekend trip. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Friday, July 15, 2005

MMMMMM Cereal!!!

Well yesterday when I took Natalie to daycare her caregivers said that they had done some research and saw that cereal might help with her reflux. They wanted to give her a little to see what happened. I agreed and when I went to get her yesterday she still had on the same clothes!!! They said that she ate every bite and did not spit up at all. This was GREAT news. Joe and I tried to give her some last night and I think that it was a bit runny. We know now but she did like it and she was able to keep the majority of it down. I think that this will be a new staple. Once in the morning and once in the evening. No veggies or fruit yet. I want to make sure that she is not going to have any adverse reaction to the cereal.

Here are some pictures from the last couple of days.

Have a great weekend

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

9 to 4

Yep that is how long little miss slept last night. When she got up at 4 she ate and was back asleep in about 20 min. It was nice having her sleep that long. Got some much needed rest by both of us.

No pictures today just wanted to share the exciting news.

Have a great day!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

First Long Trip

Well we took miss Natalie to Michigan for the 4th of July weekend and the Gregory family reunion. She was GREAT!! It is a 8 hour trip from our house to the hotel with traffic and we made the same time with her as we have made in the past with out her. She slept the whole way there and home.

She was fighting the same cold that she has been fighting for the last 2 weeks when we were there. In addition she started a screaming fit every night at about 6. She was constantly spitting up and so when we got home we decided to take her to the Dr. We noticed that she had been holding her right ear but thought nothing of it since we were at the Dr. the day before leaving for Michigan and she checked out just fine. Good thing we have an excellent doctor. She did a full check up on her and found that she had an ear infection. The doctor also thinks that she may have reflux. We have put her on her fist dose of antibiotics to clear up the ear infection and will touch base with the doctor on Monday to see if her spitting up has decreased at all. If not she will be put on something similar to Prilosec. Good news is that she will more than likely grow out of the reflux. I will keep you all updated.

Here are some pictures from this past weekend.

Natalie in her 4th of July outfit

Natalie with Grandma Karen and Grandpa Mike on the Petoskey Stone Bear

Natalie with Mom and Dad

Little Miss hanging out watching the Tour de France

This is the day before we left

On our Saturday morning walk to get coffee with her Elton John sun glasses on

Have a great weekend everyone,